Once upon a time … There was a little startup. The startup had only about 10 employees and they all sat together in a local incubator. The incubator was kind enough to provide some hosting credits from some friendly cloud vendors,
Mat Ellis
Father of three, master of tea, ex-Brit, founder @cloudability
AWS Announces Amazon IAM Support
AWS announced yesterday [http://aws.typepad.com/aws/2012/03/new-iam-feature-control-activity-to-account-and-usage-pages.html] that they will now allow access to Activity Usage and Billing data via Identity Access and Management (IAM [http://aws.amazon.com/iam/]). This is huge. Based on
Cloudability joins TechStars
Last September we entered the Portland Incubator Experiment (PIE) [http://www.piepdx.com/]. It was a great experience and ended with a $1.2M seed round [http://www.cloudability.com/blog/funding-news-and-holiday-cheer/] just before Christmas. While we were meeting with
Escape Velocity: Accelerating Adoption of the Cloud
Early adopters of virtualization and the Cloud will remember just how [http://loadstorm.com/2008/oh-my-nearly-20-it-leaders-think-cloud-computing-fad] skeptical [http://www.forbes.com/2008/10/10/ellison-cloud-computing-tech-enter-cx_wt_1010oracle.html] folks [http://www.tech-faq.com/why-cloud-computing-may-be-just-a-fad.html] were until recently. There are
Welcome to Our New Overlords at the Pineville Facebook Data Center
A new Facebook data center [https://www.facebook.com/blog.php?post=262655797130] was recently unveiled in Pineville, OR [http://goo.gl/7gaqM] amid a whirlwind of tree-hugging PR and controversy about coal [http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/04/
“The Cloud is Down”: Single Points of Failure
The Cloud is down this morning and it’s all over the news. Amazon is having problems in one of their regions and of course it’s the most popular one, US-East in Virginia. Inevitably pundits all over the web