The Cloud is a major buzzword right now: Google has 244 million results [] for it. Apparently it can cure cancer [] and has more [http://www.hulu.
About clouds, the ones you run code on
Five Benefits of the Cloud That Have Nothing to Do with Costs
Cartoon by David Fletcher — [[/caption]] Lots of folks are happy to explain how moving to the Cloud can save a company money. It’s certainly a selling point and not
Cloud Outage? Questions You’re Likely to Get From the Boss
There was another AWS outage this weekend. Did you hear about it? Your boss probably did. In fact it was the second outage inside of a month and took out some pretty big-name services like Netflix, Instgram and Pinterest … your
Five Potential Pitfalls for SMEs Moving to the Cloud
The Cloud isn’t just for large companies with giant IT departments. In fact, the low cost of entry, scaleability and ease of deployment that come with the Cloud can be hugely compelling reasons for small and medium-sized businesses to
IT Consumerization: The End of IT is Nigh!
If you manage an IT or technology department [], you’ve probably heard about the coming ‘consumerization of IT’ and how it will rock our world. The cloud will allow every Tom, Dick and
Uncovering the Hidden Costs of the Cloud
As with the arrival of electricity, radio, mainframes, PCs, Windows and the web, the Cloud will bring with it massive changes, much grinding of teeth and a few careers ended prematurely. These “hidden costs of the Cloud” will catch more